Custom Ordering


1. You send me the photo(s) via mail or email.

The best photos are clear photos. If I can see the main object clearly, I will  create an artwork of masterpiece quality for you. When sending photos by email, please make sure to scan the photos with at least 300 dpi (dots per inch) resolution so that I can see enough details. If there is any problem, I will contact you.

2. You can request for modifications if necessary after reviewing.

I will email you the artwork image for your review. If there is any reason that you are not satisfied with your artwork, you may request any changes to be made. I will modify your artwork, and email to you for reviewing until you are completely satisfied.

3. Your artwork will be delivered to you. 

Your artwork will be shipped in a protected package.  Any shipping and handling charges will be added. If you are local, I may deliver your artwork or you may pick it up. I will include contact information in case you have any questions about your artwork.


1. What is a Subject?

A subject is a person, pet, house or a background object you want included in the rendering.

2. Can you design art with 3 or more different photographs?

Abolutely. Contact me via and I’d be happy help design new rendering for you in any media you choose.

3. How long before I recieve my artwork?

Usually takes 1 week. This depends on the season. For instance, December is usually a very busy month, so please get your orders in as soon as you can.